Ruger 57 Magazine Extension Kit
This magazine extension brings the capacity of the Ruger 57 to 25 rounds or 30 rounds of 5.7×28. This allows you to convert your standard capacity OEM mag in to a Ruger 57 extended magazine. Made out of a durable battle tested polymer with a textured finish.
This product is useful for converting your existing factory Ruger 57 magazine to hold a maximum of 30rds. This extension kit comes with the polymer extension that will perfectly slide onto your magazine to extended the capacity. This product was designed for ease of installation and should take appoximately 30 mins or less to finish the install*. MAGAZINE NOT INCLUDED.
CALIBER: 5.7 X 28
MATERIAL: Polymer fdm
FINISH: Textured
Question: How does it work?
Simply remove your stock floor plate(save the floorplate if you ever want to revert back to stock), remove mag spring and follower, slide the MAG EXTENSION onto the magazine, slide the SEMI CIRCULAR RETENTION PLATE on the back of the mag extension, re-install your stock follower and spring, slide the newly provided MAG FLOOR PLATE onto the bottom of the mag extension.
The Mag extension requires minimul assembly, and comes in 3 parts that are very simple to put together (A detailed guide is provide with purchase*)
Items included:
1. Mag extension body
2. Semi circular retention plate.
3. Mag floor plate
This extension system uses the OEM mag body, follower and spring from your existing magazine.
*Disclaimer: Assembly should be completed by a qualified gun smith, magsupplyusa.com and any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, and or parent companies shall not be held liable for any loss or damage that may be incurred due to innapropriate use or installation; This product is in no way associated with Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc.